
Showing posts from October, 2020

I hate writing.

I hate it. I suck at it and it always feels like a chore. I hate writing emails, I hate writing journal entries, I hate writing these damn blog posts. I hate how vulnerable it makes me feel. "Am I a shite story teller?", "Is there supposed to be a comma there?", "Why am I writing this?". These are the types of thoughts I have nonstop whenever I write. Every post I've written just ends up as a draft and sits there for a year. "Why are there so many words I can't spell?!" Every year I think I'm going to pick up writing like it's some New Year's resolution. Even just now. As I am trying to vent, I can't even figure out what sentence to write next. "What literary device can I use now?" "Do commas go in between my thoughts?" "Are my thoughts supposed go in quotes?" "Can I curse in my own blog?" "Fuck it all." "Fuck it."